Tinderbox file for Quarto
This tinderbox file supports creating a book and manuscript (beta) with Quarto.
Tinderbox file for Quarto (Web version)
You can easily make qmd files and _quarto.yml with it. Here is an example of books created with Quarto.
- R for Data Science (2e)(Wickham and Grolemund (2016))
My Workflow is Figure 1 and Figure 2.
flowchart TB A["Snippety"] -.-> Sub1["Tinderbox"] B["Mermaid"] C["Bookends"] -->|"opt + drag"| Sub1["Tinderbox"] D["R Studio"] -->|"Call"| F["quarto CLI"] E["RMarkdown ( .qmd )"] -->|"Read qmd files"| D["R Studio"] E["RMarkdown ( .qmd )"] -->|"Call"| F["quarto CLI"] F["quarto CLI"] ==>|"Export"| G["HTML (Book)"] F["quarto CLI"] -->|"Export"| H["PDF (Book)"] G["HTML (Book)"] H["PDF (Book)"] I["Marked 2 (Streaming Preview)"] subgraph Sub1["Tinderbox"] Sub5 end subgraph Sub2["Applications"] direction LR A Sub1 C end subgraph Sub3["Quarto"] direction LR D E F end subgraph Sub4["Output"] direction LR G H I end subgraph Sub5["Demo_TBX_for_Quarto.tbx"] B end subgraph Sub6["Work Flow"] direction TB Sub2 Sub3 Sub4 end Sub5["Demo_TBX_for_Quarto.tbx"] --> E["RMarkdown ( .qmd )"] Sub5["Demo_TBX_for_Quarto.tbx"] -.->|"Streaming Preview"| I["Marked 2 (Streaming Preview)"] %% Styles & Links style A fill:#a3bed9,color:#000000,stroke:#990000,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray:5 5 click A href "https://snippety.app/" _blank style B fill:#009900,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style C fill:#ff8800,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style D fill:#88aacc,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray:8 2 click D href "https://posit.co/products/open-source/rstudio/" _blank style E fill:#88aacc,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style F fill:#88aacc,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px click F href "https://quarto.org/" _blank style G fill:#93dd93,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style H fill:#93dd93,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style I fill:#aaaaff,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px click I href "https://marked2app.com/" _blank style Sub1 fill:#f6e04d,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style Sub2 fill:#e7f3e7,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style Sub3 fill:#fff4e6,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style Sub4 fill:#ffffff,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style Sub5 fill:#eeebe9,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px style Sub6 fill:#eeebe9,color:#000000,stroke:#dc490b,stroke-width:2px